lessphp fatal error: load error: failed to find /home/livestream/domains/live-streams.nl/public_html/wp-content/themes/theme47828/shop.lessIcecast lanceert versie 2.3.3 - Live-streams.nl SHOUTcast Icecast HTTPS Centovacast Streaming Provider Hosting

Icecast lanceert versie 2.3.3

Het is bijna 4 jaar geleden dat versie 2.3.2 uitgekomen is.
Nu is er een nieuwe versie uitgebracht, wij gaan ervan uit dat deze versie even stabiel is als de vorige versie 2.3.2.

Versie 2.3.3 bevat een groot aantal bug fixes.
Mocht dit niet interessant voor u zijn dan raden we u evengoed aan om te upgraden naar de laatste versie.

Op de website van icecast.org valt te lezen dat ze ook bezig zijn met nog een nieuwe versie 2.4, deze is nog in beta status.
Belangrijkste nieuwe mogelijkheden zijn:

  • Support for Ogg Opus streams
  • Support for WebM streams (voor html 5 streaming)

Voorafgaand aan de implementatie testen wij de versie 2.3.3. uitgebreid op onze streaming servers.
Hieronder de veranderingen voor versie 2.3.3

- Security
We fixed 3 security issues.
- Improved HTTPS cipher handling and added support for chained certificates.
- Allow the source password to be undefined.
There was a corner case, where a default password would have taken effect.
It would require the admin to remove the 'source-password' from the Icecast
config to take effect. Default configs ship with the password set, so this
vulnerability doesn't trigger there.
- Prevent error log injection of control characters
by substituting non-alphanumeric characters with a '.' (CVE-2011-4612).
Injection attempts can be identified via access.log, as that stores
URL encoded requests. Investigation if further logging code needs to have
sanitized output is ongoing.

- Bugfixes
- On-demand relaying -
Reject listeners while reconnecting.
Fix stats for relays without mount section.
- Prevent too frequent YP updates.
- Only allow raw metadata updates from same IP as connected source
(unless user is admin). This addresses broken client software that issues
updates without being connected.
- Minor memory leaks
- XSPF file installation
- Fix case of global listeners count becoming out of sync.
- Setting an interval of 0 in mount should disable Shoutcast metadata inserts.

- Authentication
- Sources can now be authenticated via URL, like listeners. Post info is:
As admin requests can come in for a stream (eg metadata update) these
requests can be issued while stream is active. For these&admin=1 is added
to the POST details.

- XSL update
- Automatically generate VCLT playlist like we do with M3U, the mount-point
extension is .vclt

- Documentation updates

Known problems:
Win32 build and installer not available at release time. Will be provided ASAP.
IPv6 on Win32 will not work.

Unless there are grave bugs or security issues,
the aim is to have a major release next.
In the pipeline is among other things WebM streaming.

Thomas B. Ruecker
on behalf of the Icecast Development Team

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