lessphp fatal error: load error: failed to find /home/livestream/domains/live-streams.nl/public_html/wp-content/themes/theme47828/shop.lessAzurcast streaming broadcast online radio portal many possibilities


AzurCast is all-in-one web radio management suite. Using powerful but intuitive web interface, you can start up a fully working web radio station in a few quick minutes.

Azurcast logo
  • Rich Media Management: Upload songs, edit metadata, preview songs and organize music into folders from your browser.
  • Playlists: Add music to standard-rotation playlists (in sequential or shuffled playback order) or schedule a playlist to play at a scheduled time, or once per x songs/minutes/etc.
  • Live DJs: Set up individual DJ/streamer accounts and see who's currently streaming from your station's profile page.
  • Web DJ: Broadcast live directly from your browser, with no extra software needed, with AzuraCast's built-in Web DJ tool.
  • Public Pages: AzuraCast includes embeddable public pages that you can integrate into your existing web page or use as the basis for your own customized player.
  • Listener Requests: Let your listeners request specific songs from your playlists, both via an API and a simple public-facing listener page.
  • Remote Relays: Broadcast your radio signal (including live DJs) to any remote server running Icecast or SHOUTcast.
  • Web-encoders for live streaming
  • GeoBlocking allow and blocking
  • Web Hooks: Integrate your station with Slack, Discord, TuneIn, Twitter and more by setting up web hooks that connect to third-party services.
  • Detailed Analytics and Reports: Keep track of every aspect of your station's listeners over time. View reports of each song's impact on your listener count. You can also generate a report that's compatible with SoundExchange for US web radio royalties.
  • Podcast podcast options

Demo https://azuraserv3.live-streams.nl/public/synthetic_fm_italo_new_generation