lessphp fatal error: load error: failed to find /home/livestream/domains/live-streams.nl/public_html/wp-content/themes/theme47828/shop.lessMSCP pro update versie 4.00 - Live-streams.nl SHOUTcast Icecast HTTPS Centovacast Streaming Provider Hosting

MSCP pro update versie 4.00

Er is een nieuwe versie van MSCP pro uitgekomen met heel veel nieuwe functies en streaming updates en verbeteringen. We zullen eerst 1 server update met de werkzaamheden van komende dinsdag avond.

Belangrijkste updates zijn: Nieuwe mogelijkheid autodj type Liquidsoap wat betere overgangen geeft (crossfading). Nieuwe Icecast KH versie 16en nieuwe rocket streaming audio server.
Binnenkort komen er wel weer updates voor Icecast de KH17 versie en nog een update voor Rocket streaming audio server dit komt dan in MSCP versie 4.0.1

Hieronder het overzicht van de wijzigingen in het (engels):
System: Major rearrangement of AutoDJ types.
- Admins and users can choose fewer AutoDJ types, which makes the interface more transparent. However, encoders can be selected for all AutoDJs.
After updating, check the functionality of AutoDJs. Some may need to be reconfigured and restarted.
- If you are importing users or admins from a remote MSCP Pro/Pro+, update it first as well. Admin/user import from an older MSCP Pro/Pro+ may fail.
System: New, Liquidsoap AutoDJ
- To activate Liquidsoap AutoDJ, log in as superadmin and add this to the admin/reseller. Then you can add it to the user(s) and templates.
- It has better crossfading in some cases and has more encoders (MP3(cbr,vbr), OGG(vbr,cbr,flac), AAC, AAC+), but doesn't have an own web controller like MPD.
- Currently, it can only encode in stereo.
- Supported playing formats: mp1, mp2, mp3, ogg, oga, flac, wav
- When installing/upgrading, the Liquidsoap's operability is checked. If it cannot be run, the version supplied by the distribution will still be used.
- If the crossfade does not work as expected, use one of the On-Air software. (Pro+)
System: Icecast2-kh update to 2.4.0-kh16.3 (https://karlheyes.github.io/)
System: Improve compatibility with Debian 12 Bookworm.
System: Support Ubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu)
System: Rocket Streaming Audio Server (RSAS) update to 1.0.2 (https://www.rocketbroadcaster.com/streaming-audio-server/CHANGELOG)
System: Remove legacy migration scripts.
- Use the import function on the admin page instead.

User: In the "Add new channel" and "Add new relay Mountpoint" tabs on "Configure Stream Server" page, the Stream ID values is predefined. (Easier configurability.)
User: New, display AutoDJ encoder information on the main page. (Only traditional AutoDJs)
User: New, "Encoder" option on "Configure AutoDJ" page for encoder selection
User: Ices update to 0.4.11
- Allow username different from "source" for stream connections
- Crossfade threshold supported
- "Next song start volume during crossfade" supported
- Display next song in main page if playback mode is sequence.
User: New, "Next song start volume during crossfade" option on "Configure AutoDJ" page
- MPD, Liquidsoap, Ices and legacy Sc_trans are supported.
- The function may work differently depending on the AutoDJ types.
User: MPD update to 0.23.11 (Debian and Ubuntu only!)
- MSCP Pro/Pro+ now includes built-in MPD. When installing/updating, the MPD's operability is checked.
If it cannot be run, the version supplied by the distribution will still be used.
- Supported encoders: MP3(cbr,vbr), MP2, OGG(vbr,cbr), OPUS(vbr,cvbr,hcbr)
- Supported playing formats: mp2, mp3, ogg, oga, opus, flac, wav, wv, w64, aac and lots of music tracker formats
- The mixramp option is used if "Next song start volume during crossfade" is 100%.
If the crossfade does not work as expected, use one of the On-Air software. (Pro+)
- MPD AutoDJ restart required.
User: New, "Delete" button on the "Configure Stream Server" and "Configure Stream Transcoder" page for easier deletion of mountpoints.
User: New, "Display playing song title" option on "Configure AutoDJ" page
User: Correction of missing starting "/" character at mountpoint.
User: After a server reboot, the stream server info did not appear on the main page for some users. [bugfix]User: When configuring the info panel and the playlist panel, sometimes an unnecessary "+" character appeared. [bugfix]User: When MPD is used, garbage from the previous playlist was left over when changing the playlist on a schedule. [bugfix]User: Update RelaXXPlayer to 0.92.
- MPD AutoDJ restart required.
User: When starting MPD, the songs in the playlist got mixed up even if it was set to manual playlist editing. [bugfix]User: When importing a user from remote MSCP Pro+, the SAM Broadcaster PRO database was not set up correctly. [bugfix]User: When installing the On-Air software, the AAC LC encoder will also pre-configured. (Pro+)
User: Stream Transcoder incorrectly loaded Stereo Tool's "Web/DAB/HD Radio presets". [bugfix]User: SAM Broadcaster freezes detection removed.
- Use the silence detector if you still have a similar problem.
User: FFMpeg VideoAutoDJ selectable encoder.
- Only the container, no encoding is done. The media files are will be concatenated, all codec parameters of which must match!
- When streaming to NGINX, the encoder type has no effect, because the output will be HLS.
- Supported playing formats: mp4, mkv, webm
User: FFMpeg VideoAutoDJ more detailed logging
User: Bandwidth usage measurement support for WEBM/MKV/MPEGTS video + Icecast2-kh on the statistics page.

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