lessphp fatal error: load error: failed to find /home/livestream/domains/live-streams.nl/public_html/wp-content/themes/theme47828/shop.lessUpgrade MSCP pro - Live-streams.nl SHOUTcast Icecast HTTPS Centovacast Streaming Provider Hosting

Upgrade MSCP pro

We gaan zo dadelijk MSCP pro upgraden naar de laatste versie. In de vakantie zijn er 3 updates geweest. Belangrijkste wijziging zijn metadata update voor in de transcoder met Stereotool.
Er is volgens de ontwikkelaar geen downtijd. Sommige wijzigingen zullen pas zichtbaar zijn als de gebruiker heeft herstart.

We are about to upgrade MSCP pro to the latest version. There have been 3 updates during the holidays. The most important change is metadata update for the transcoder with Stereotool.
There is no down time according to the developer. Some changes will only be visible when the user restarts.



  • User: Stream Transcoder metadata (song title) update support if Stereo Tool is active. *
  • User: Stream Transcoder add more metadata for streaming
  • User: Stream Transcoder increased OPUS quality
  • User: Stream Transcoder + Steamcast minor bug fixes
  • User: Old Shoutcast2 configuration bugfix
  • Admin: E-mail sending minor bug fixes
  • Admin: CentovaCast method Icecast2 server creating source passwd minor bugfix


  • After more time, the synchronous between the real song change and the metadata update may be lost.
    This phenomenon is caused by the Stereo Tool.


  • User: Icecast2 tracklist info improve performance
  • User: Stream Transcoder metadata update minor bug fixes
  • User: Displays the "Select saved setting" list in the date format set.
  • User: HTML codes playlink hostname bug fixes
  • User: https links on "Stream Server" rack (Click on the https port on "Account Informations" rack)
  • Admin: Remove players & infopanel host/IP settings (autodetect)
  • Admin: System settings -> Common settings: add "Override inaccessible cert files (forced chmod)" option
  • Admin: System settings -> Admin adding default settings more options
  • Installer: Full Devuan ascii support


  • Admin: Occasionally "port busy" error message when adding user bugfix
  • Admin: 0% CPU usage incorrectly displayed bugfix
  • Admin: Sendmail minor bug fixes
  • Admin: Adminer update 4.7.1 to 4.7.2 (Pro+)

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